Papers on COVID-19
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- "New compartment model for COVID-19"
(Scientific Reports, 13, 5409(2023))

(proposed a new compartment model for COVID-19, which treats pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic patients as compartments. It is shown that the fraction of untraceable patients and
the ratio between the number of patients at large and the daily new cases can be estimated.)
- "Estimation of the onset rate and the number of asymptomatic patients of COVID-19 from the proportion of untraceable patients"(Epidemiology and
Public Health Research 2(1), 1-5 (2022))
(A simple method is devised to estimate the onset rate of COVID-19 from the proportion of untraceable patients tested positive.)
- "Classification of the infection status of COVID-19 in 190 countries" (Journal of Clinical Trials 11:472, 2021)
"Supplementary Materials" (Journal of Clinical Trials 11:472, 2021)
(With Reiji Suda: A simple method to estimate the rate of change of the number of infected individuals is proposed. The infection statuses of 190 countries around the world are analyzed
and classified into 9 states.)
- "Self-organization of oscillation in an epidemic model for COVID-19" (Physica A 573, 1 July, 2021, 125925)
(When the rate of change fluctuates according to the number of infected individuals,
it is theoretically shown that the epidemic curve shows oscillation and that convergence is
possible only when a zero-corona state is realized.)
- "Self-organized wavy infection curve of COVID-19" (Scientific Reports, 11, 1936(2021))
(It is theoretically shown that the wavy infection curve is the result of fluctuation in policy and attitude of people.)
- "Exact Properties of SIQR model for COVID-19" (Physica A, 564, 125564 (2021))
(Exact solution for the SIQR model is presented. It is shown that the quarantine measure is effective for controlling COVID-19. A theoretical frame work to find an optimum measure ia proposed.)
- "Analysis of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan by SIQR model" (Infectious Disease Modelling, 5, 691-698 (2020))
(The SIQR model is proposed for COVID-19, and it is shown that the quarantine measure
is important to contol the epidemic.)
- Previous paper on superspreaders for SARS
"Effects of superspreaders in spread of epidemic"(Physica A374, 843-852 (2007))
(With R. Fujie:On the basis of an agent based model, the superspreaders for SARS are shown to be patients who have a long infection range.)
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